


MLM Software Company in Noida understands your needs and develops multi-level marketing software according to the needs and requirements. Our developed software is flexible, reliable and efficient through which you can increase your network marketing companies in an efficient manner. In Galaxy Softech Solutions we have attempted to give the best single leg mlm plan for multilevel marketing. The Single Leg plan we gave is simple and essential as well as easier to use. Apart from these, we have tremendous developer having experience of 5+ years, which develop binary mlm plan, matrix mlm plan, generation mlm plan, board mlm plan. Being a reputed MLM software company in Delhi,our objective is to deliver quality mlm websites to you, which allow you to establish your foothold in multi-level marketing.

MLM Software in Assam Guwahati, Kolkata, Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Patna, Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur, Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur, Bhilai, Raipur, Durg, Goa Panji, Gujarat, Surat, Vadodara, Ahmadabad, Rajkot, Himachal Pradesh Shimla, Haryana, Bhiwani, Rohtak, Ambala, Sirsa, Jind, Gurgaon, Jharkhand, Ranchi, Kerala, Karnataka, Kerala, Chennai, Bangalore, Belgaum, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Pune, Thane, Sangli, Kolhapur, Sholapur, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal, Orissa, Bhubaneswar, Punjab, Patiala, Bathinda, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Barnala, Batala, Gurdaspur, Moga, Muktsar, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Bhilwara, Jodhpur, Banswara, Alwar, Sikar , Lucknow , Noida, Faridabad, Uttarakhand, Uttaranchal, West Bengal, Kolkata, Asansol and All Other Major States and Cities of India and as well in other countries in Nepal, Canada, Dubai Australia, U.K, U.S.A, Ghana, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa.

There are various types of MLM Software offered by Galaxy Softech Solutions.

  • "Binary MLM Software"
  • "Matrix MLM Software"
  • "Uni-Level MLM Software"
  • "Gift MLM / Helping Plan MLM Software"
  • "Investment Plan MLM Software"
  • "Board MLM Plan Software"
  • "Monoline MLM Software"
  • "Party MLM Plan Software"
  • "Australian Binary MLM Software"
  • "Online Registration and joining of members"
  • "Masters of Products/taxes/Service Master"
  • "Generate Invoice"
  • "E-pin Generation and issue"
  • "Payout Generation"
  • "Income analysis"
  • "Repurchasing"
  • "Other MIS Reports"
  • "Bank or Other Third Party Gateway Integration"
  • "Email & SMS / Email Alerts"

Galaxy Softech Solutions plays a vital role to select the achievement rates of your company than our network marketing software. In order to get complete benefits and income in mlm business, it is essential to obtain beneficial with fully integrated network marketing software from our company.

We all know that there are little high-quality multi-level marketing software offers to exist in the market. Then what are the crucial reason due to which you should choose the services of mlm software in Noida? Well, our mlm software is not just incredible from others but also available at the most reasonable price. Some of the very important component that makes our multi-level marketing software most demandable are listed below

  • "Web Hosting"
  • "Admin Panel"
  • "User Panel"
  • "Distribution Panel"
  • "Repurchasing"
  • "Payment Gateway Integration"


Galaxy Softech Solutions develops one of the spectacular software packages available in all over the world. You will get robust and secure software for almost all the compensations plans as you can select according to your needs and requirements. You will get different features in your mlm software

Fully responsive website design and development: We provide a very attractive, fully functional and completely responsive website design for multi-level marketing compensations plans. The better websites will attract more clients and convert them into permanent customers. The websites will be completely SEO friendly and get easily indexed in search engine, as results it returns lots of customers for your mlm business organizations. We have experienced web designers and developer who applied best tools and techniques in mlm websites. We provide complete online web-based solutions to the network marketing companies so that they can keep their records safe and secure in the database.

Product management: The software will make you handle properly your business organizations. One of the important features of network marketing software is product management i.e. you can easily track all the purchasing or selling products and items. This will help you to organize smooth inventory management for your successfully running business organizations. You can easily calculate the compensation of your mlm business as well as records bonus in the software. We at Galaxy Softech Solutions develop running software for your multi-level marketing companies through which you could maintain all the necessary details and information of your mlm business organizations.

Effective account management: You will get effective account management in network marketing business, through our incredible mlm software. This is necessary to have a proper account for mlm business organizations to put the records safe and secure in the database. In our network marketing based software you will get all online web based solutions through which you can run successfully mlm business services. We create separate member panel for admin & members so that they can track all others members activities while sitting from your own home. Our software contains all the latest updated features which make you smart in your own business.

All the records in one place: This is one of the best features in multi-level marketing software that it allows business owners to keep records in one place. This becomes too difficult to watch the activities of each and every member and to keep the records safe and secure. Here mlm software plays an important role for multi-level marketing companies as it keeps all records safe and secure in the database. The records could not be maintained on paper sheets and on the register and this is why we develop software so that you could run your business organizations successfully and reliably. Through the intuitive kinds of features including in mlm software, you will be able to take your business to the advanced level. We make your business account safe and secure so that you became the leader in network marketing companies. The well functional commission management will boost your business sales and services so that network marketing companies become popular among targeted audiences. Our technical team is our central strength as we have our proven track records in the field of network marketing companies. You will get accuracy and consistency in software as you will be able to run your business smoothly. Accounting, registration, affiliate management is the supreme quality of our network marketing software which makes the entire difficult task easier and reliable. If you are new in multi-level marketing companies, then our technician will be able to solve all your queries related to the mlm business compensations plan. Our primary objective is to reduce all complexity of your business as we provide fully updated and featured websites. The network marketing companies need a strong network for doing mlm business. Through the help of software, you do not have hire employees as you can run it successfully while sitting in your own home. We develop android/iOS mobile applications for the multi-level marketing companies so that they can perform their business smoothly with the help of a smartphone, mobile devices. You can check the software trail for almost all the compensations plan as you could briefly check the software packages before purchasing.

Multi-level marketing is one of the best opportunities for those people who want to start their own business while sitting from their own home. We help by providing spectacular software services to them as they do not have to hire an employee for the business purpose. Well, it’s a great business model that allows most people to reach a high level of income and maximum targeted audiences.

Apart from all these, you will get separate member panel from our side in the software i.e., ADMIN panel and User Panel. You can access all the details and information of your mlm business organization. This includes

  • "New Registration"
  • "Member's Invoice Search"
  • "Edit Member Profile"
  • "Member's Security view"
  • "Direct Referral view"
  • "Data wise member list"
  • "Member bank detail"
  • "Down line list"
  • "Genology view"
  • "Member report"
  • "Generate/issue E-pin"
  • "Fresh E-pin"
  • "Used E-pin"
  • "Search E-pin"
  • "Pay Commission/Earnings"
  • "View Leg income"
  • "Member Account Balance"
  • "Pay Rewards"
  • "View TDS List"
  • "Rewards List"
  • "Customer Feedback"
  • "Block/Allow a Member"
  • "Member Block List"
  • "Filter Member List"


  • "Website Member List"
  • "Member Profile and Data"
  • "Welcome latter"
  • "Registration certifacate"
  • "Tree view"
  • "Genelogy View"
  • "Income reward detail"
  • "Send Message to admin"
  • "Account report"
  • "Member's Downline list"
  • "Members E-pins Management"
  • "Members Wallet"
  • "Change wallet password"
  • "Transfer Balance"
  • "Account Setting"
  • "Change Theme"